Muslim scientists
Abu Ali Hassan Ibn-al-Haitham;
- 1) Invented pin hole camera and obtained an image of sun eclipse.
- 2) Discovered nature of light.
- 3) Wrote book on optics Kitabul Manazir.
- 4) Gave two laws of reflection.
Yaqub Ibne Ishaq Alqindi
- 1) Explained musical notes.
- 2) Worked on nature of sound and geometrical optics.
- 3) Discovered phenomenon of frequency.
Abu Rehan Muhammad
bin Ahmed Al-Beruni;
- 1) Wrote more than 150 books.
- 2) Gave a method for determining longitude and latitude of a place.
- 3) He discovered that Indus Valley was once a basin of an ocean.
Dr. Abdus Salam
1) Went to U.K for promoting his
research work.
2) Was awarded the Nobel prize in
3) He established a International center
for theoretical physics in Italy.
Dr Abdus Qadeer Khan;
1) Worked as a expert at Ureco.
2) Was awarded Hilal-e-Imtiaz.
3) Contributed in making Pakistan a nuclear state.
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