Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Contribution of Muslim scientists in the field of Physics

Muslim scientists

Abu Ali Hassan Ibn-al-Haitham;

  1. 1) Invented pin hole camera and obtained an image of sun eclipse.
  2. 2) Discovered nature of light.
  3. 3) Wrote book on optics Kitabul Manazir.
  4. 4) Gave two laws of reflection.

Yaqub Ibne Ishaq Alqindi
  1. 1) Explained musical notes.
  2. 2) Worked on nature of sound and geometrical optics.
  3. 3) Discovered phenomenon of frequency.

Abu Rehan Muhammad bin Ahmed Al-Beruni;
  1. 1) Wrote more than 150 books.
  2. 2) Gave a method for determining longitude and latitude of a place.
  3. 3) He discovered that Indus Valley was once a basin of an ocean.

Dr. Abdus Salam

1) Went to U.K for promoting his research work.
2) Was awarded the Nobel prize in physics.
3) He established a International center for theoretical physics in Italy.

  Dr Abdus Qadeer Khan;

1) Worked as a expert at Ureco.
2) Was awarded Hilal-e-Imtiaz.
3) Contributed in making Pakistan a nuclear state.

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